Creating a Voicebank with Multiple Folders (directories)
I wrote a tutorial on creating a voicebank with mutiple folders. I've noticed some people don't know how to use them or why you would want to make such a voicebank but hopefully this tutorial will help explain that. Because of Internet troubles I was having, I ended up making the tutorial in word so I have the document here for download. The document is in the old .doc format so anyone with Office earlier than 2007 can view it. You should also be able to view it if you have or LibreOffice Creating a Voicebank with Multiple Folders.doc For those of you who don't have Microsoft Office, or LibreOffice, the document is also available in Rich Text Format (rtf) Creating a Voicebank with Multiple Folders.rtf It includes images so I couldn't make it into a simple txt file and I think this way it is easier to look at. ===================================================================================== He escrito un tutorial sobre como crear un U...