Before you begin reading it's very important that you know the rules about making an UTAUloid. I'll list them below, and I found them in this guide to make your own UTAUloid which you can download here . "You may enjoy yourself, but do not break the law or violate somebody else's rights. All "UTAU" users must follow these rules!! •Don't create voice bank from a real singer's voice without permission. •Don't create voice bank from a real actor/actress's voice without permission. •Don't create voice bank from a real voice actor/actress's voice without permission. •Don't create voice bank from the output of “Vocaloid” products, which explicitly forbid such a usage. •Don't create voice bank from the output of other voice synthesizers without permission. Breaking the rules will result in the accusation against you, and may even Mr. 飴屋/菖蒲 (Ameya/Ayame) as an accomplice. Such a situation will terminate the free "UTAU" worl...
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