
Ok so it's not quite October yet but it will be tomorow xD.

Halloween tricotrí
Dame chavos no maní
No te escondas que te vi
En la casa del coquí

"Halloween trick or treat
Give me money not candy
Don't hide because I already saw you
In the house of the coquí"

Some little song kids sing when they go out trick or treating here. Hmmm I wonder... It's already October which means this is my last month of the trimester and things might get hectic with the schoolwork but at the same time I want to work on trying to make some UTAUloids sing that song at least before the month is over :O. Granted it'll probably just be Siena, Camila and their genderbends considering they are the only completed Puerto Rican UTAUloids I know. However if Rei and Hanaka Itsu are finished I might try to include them to make it seem like a lot of kids are chanting it xD. I don't even know where to start, it's a short song and I dunno if to give it some bg music since well there isn't any that I know of xD Considering how short it is, if I do go through with it I'll probably just do a little flash thing with the wav file as the sound and maybe post it on DA since posting to youtube seems like a complete waste of time for just 3 seconds xD

So what do you guys think? I might make a drawing, what costumes would you like Siena, Danilo, Camila, Camilo, Rei, and Hanaka to wear? Also, should I draw Camila and Camilo as kids (probably also genderbend Camila's voice to make it higher as well) or should I just draw them as the adults who acompany the kids when they go out trick or treating? XDDD

Orgullo Boricua by ~yesi-chan on deviantART

Traigo sangre borinqueña
Soy hijo de las palmeras
De los campos y los ríos
Y del cantar del coquí.

extract from "Amanecer Borincano" por Alberto Carrión


Yesi-chan said…
Testing O.O You should be able to comment now xD

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