Crisis averted

It seems 4shared is back online but I'll still keep the mediafire download active just in case.

On another note, a friend of mine said he saw someone cosplay as Camila on NDK but his camera ate the pictures or something xD If you have a picture or know the person who cosplayed (unless he is pulling my leg lol) let me know please I'd like to see :3 e-mail's on the profile page (I need some sunshine on this cloudy day T_T)

Also to those who I owe drawings (like 3 or 5 I have to finish orz) I'm sorry it's taken so long. I've been studying (for a test I think I failed due to a stupid mistake I made even though I knew how to do everything! T_T) and in the free time I find I open the program but I can't just continue T_T I hate getting art blocks I really do and in moments like this I can only sketch crappy stuff but never really finish anything. I'm sorry but I will try to finish when I get the willingness to finish anything. Also if you see that I finish one pic before another that I started before or someone requested before (or even one I started out of thin air) I'm sorry I just have to finish them as I get inspired >.<

Well that's all, Peace!


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