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Equipe GYP said…
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Equipe GYP said…
hello Yesi-CHAN, I really want to download Marc Adagio. but has a password. I have seen you on "youtube" but has nothing about the password! and this is how Prohibit User from Utau without voicebank! the Utau is a free (unlike Vocaloid) so that I know of the rule of making a Utauloid, you can not charge for its voicebank and can not protect them with password only to people you watch on YOUTUBE. so please, provide the Marc Adagio for free or give the password to those who really want to download it.
note: I'm from Brazil. and really want to download and use the voice of Marc Adagio (want to do a duet with him and Camilla). I have also, Camila Melody.
Yesi-chan said…
@junior I do not charge for his voicebank and I do have the right to password protect the voicebank if I want. If you do want the voicebank I did write that you should message me on youtube and I'll give you the password.

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