Camila's English put to the test

I covered this songs like a week ago and one is still incomplete but I wanted to share what I've done with Camila's English. I haven't really recorded any new syllables for Camila since some of the sounds I might need for English I simply can't pronounce as lone syllables (I can say them in words but not as lone syllables). However, as I made these English covers I modified her extended vcv's oto.ini to include more vc sounds besides the ones she already had. Basically these are the results so far :)

Original by aRth
ust by sango312 but I had to edit it for Camila and I made use of her VVs and VCs xD

Secret(camila) by Yesi_chan

Hark the Herald Angel Sings
Using a midi sequenced by Bob Sorem.

Hark the herald Angel Sings by Yesi_chan


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